Mergers & Acquisitions: Our Expanding Opportunity
VR Mergers & Acquisitions specializes in the merger, acquisition, and divestiture services for the midsize company. As a leading business intermediary organization, we serve a diverse client base that includes high net worth individuals, corporations, and institutions who are seeking assistance. Our area of expertise is to value, and market successful privately-held and closely held companies.
VR's success in the middle market resulted in the development of to service its clients and attract more opportunities to organization.
VR assists in all phases of the transaction, including initial analysis, exit strategy planning, valuation, identifying and qualifying prospective acquirers, negotiations, and comprehensive follow-through. By providing assistance and professionalism before, during and after the transaction, we assure our clients of the greatest possible opportunity for success.
VR Mergers & Acquisitions brings the power of synergistic outreach to the business transaction, concentrating on businesses valued from $2 to $25 million.

VR Mergers & Acquisitions grew from the demand placed on VR Business Brokers, which was founded in 1979, to expand its Valued Representation model from small business to the middle market.
As a VR intermediary and office owner you will have the option to take advanced training to gain the necessary skills to represent clients with businesses of higher value.
But where is the mid-market?
VR considers the mid-market to be businesses which have grown beyond single manager entities to significant regional or even national stature. Usually this implies value between $2 million and $25 million for our purposes. Most of the middle market is made up of businesses built around a single product area and its natural extensions.
VR Mergers & Acquisitions increases financial opportunity to the trained business intermediary and the VR office. Here are just a few reasons:
- There is more money devoted to buying middle market enterprises than ever before in history.
- Privately held business owners with planned exit strategies are the primary benefactor of the current M&A activity.
- There are more qualified acquirers for well run middle market companies than there are such businesses available for acquiring.
- Industry, financial, and market conditions are causing a surge in middle market acquisitions. Last year the average earnings multiple sold in this segment was 8.5X.
- A variety of acquirers have entered the mid-market arena.
Today, most VR offices around the world take advantage of opportunities in both the VR core business and the middle market. Though tempting, a professional VR intermediary should be skilled, experienced, and successful in business sales before focusing any part of their career on mid-market transactions. Similar to other professions, the more effort you place into this career the more successful you and your office will become. Having the support of your family and the other decision makers in your life will make the transition of becoming a VR intermediary and office owner a rewarding endeavor.