2014 IHS Franchise Business Outlook
Key findings from the report are:
- Franchises are expected to add nearly 200,000 new jobs in 2014. The pace of employment gains is expected to remain steady compared to 2013, but will continue to outpace total private sector employment growth by 0.3 percent.
- The number of franchise businesses in 2014 is expected to rise by 12,915 in 2014, bringing total establishments to 770,368. The 2014 establishment growth rate is expected to rise to 1.7 percent from 1.4 percent in 2013. This will continue to be in-line with the growth of overall business formation across the economy.
The Importance of Keeping your Business Books
Up to Date

At least once a month, you should be doing an analysis of your business, and making sure that your books and records are in working order.
Specifically, you should be paying attention to profit and loss statements (P&Ls) when analyzing your business. You'll be able to account for all the income that your business has earned as well as all incurred expenses.
It cannot be stressed enough that you need to keep good business records, whether you plan to be in business for several years or sell within the near future. Knowing what your value is will only help you in the long run.
Read full article
How Do I Put a Value on the People
in my Business?
One corporate accountant at a company colorfully described employees as "costs walking on legs."
Though businesses want maximum efficiency from their employees for minimal cost, the actual measure of intangibles such as corporate efficiency due to employees' capability or customers' loyalty due to employees' efforts are frequently overlooked. However, if you view employee knowledge as an "asset", you will arrive ultimately at the role that your employees play in terms of your core competitive advantage.
Additionally, some of your employees should be seen as investments instead of costs, for the long term revenue that they will bring in once fully trained and up to speed.
VR Continues to Match Qualified Buyers
with Businesses for Sale
In today's business climate, our clients demand quality and professionalism. We applaud our VR business intermediaries for a job well done!! Here is a small sample of transactions that have closed across the
VR network recently:
Elk Island Child Youth Ranch $920,000 Edmonton, Canada
Thinking of selling your business, or looking for an already running business purchase? Contact a VR office today!
$18 Million Oilfield Services Company Dallas, Texas
The VR office in Dallas, TX completed the successful sale of an Oilfield Service and Roustabout Company for $18 Million dollars. With respect to confidentiality, the location and names of the parties involved are being withheld. Overall, more than 100 interested parties executed confidentiality agreements to review the business, and there were 12 LOIs presented to the seller within 45 days of going to market. Choosing the right acquisition Advisor in Associate Jeremy Furtick, was imperative, and the Oilfield Service and Roustabout Company owner said VR helped him hone in on the best option.
Jey Arul in the VR office in Edmonton, Canada. completed the successful sale of a Custom Metal Fabrication Business for $2.3 Million dollars. This well established business has been in operations for the last 16 years.
VR Mergers & Acquisitions, located in Baton Rouge announced that it has been engaged to sell a large certified clay operation.
- This company supplies certified clay material for the Hurricane Protection System for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' demand for more than 100 million tons of clay material.
- Current market prices for certified clay average around $6 per ton which after payment to the landowner of $1.50 per ton leaves $4.50 per ton or almost $35 million in profit.
Here is just a small sample of the many businesses that VR has for sale
Profitable International Sporting Goods Manufacturer
Medical Spa Clinic
Yogurtland Franchise
Daycare Center w/ Property
Cabinet Manufacturer
Custom HVAC
Join VR Now
The time has never been better to become a part of the VR team.
Small businesses make up over 56% of the annual U.S. GDP and every year a large amount of them change hands.
VR is the industry leader in facilitating such transactions.

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