Business | Price | Down Payment | Gross Revenue | Earnings | Location |
Dry Cleaners Established 38 Yrs South Orange Cty | $249,000 | $249,000 | $277,500 | $137,500 | Orange County |
Dry Cleaners Plant & Agency - High VOL&NET, RETAIL | $749,000 | $749,000 | $900,000 | $309,600 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY. |
Eco-Friendly Wet Cleaning Plant & Alteration | $220,000 | $220,000 | $294,000 | $143,000 | Santa Clarita Area |
Edible Arrangements Franchise | $200,000 | $200,000 | $350,000 | $45,000 | Los Angeles |
Established Pool Supplies & Service Business | $725,000 | $725,000 | $1,800,000 | $275,000 | San Bernardino County |
Explore A Unique Fast-Food Licensee Opportunity! | $29,500 | $29,500 | $0 | $0 | Orange County |
Eyelash Beauty Salon and Products - High Volume | $450,000 | $450,000 | $142,000 | $80,000 | Orange County |
Face & Body Sculpting Contouring seller will train | $19,000 | $19,000 | $173,000 | $95,000 | Los Angeles |
Famous Korean Corn Dog Fast Food | $65,000 | $65,000 | $0 | $0 | Orange County |
Fantastic Sams Franchise - High Vol, Help run. | $169,000 | $169,000 | $408,000 | $60,000 | Torrance / Southbay Area. |
Flower Boutique New with Huge Growth Potential | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $60,000 | Orange |
Hawaiian BBQ 21-Years Established | $139,000 | $139,000 | $380,000 | $65,000 | Orange County |
Hispanic Market, part of a chain | $580,000 | $580,000 | $1,700,000 | $220,000 | Los Angeles County |
Hispanic Market, part of a chain of stores | $500,000 | $500,000 | $1,500,000 | $180,000 | Los Angeles County |
Hispanic Market, part of a long established chain | $780,000 | $780,000 | $2,000,000 | $240,000 | Orange County |